I have been working with the laravel php framework for years now and will like to share my knowledge and expertise by writing short,concise and clear writeups about it. Lets begin with setting up an environment and running our first laravel application.
Step 1:Â Download and install Xampp.By installing Xampp, you install the latest version of PHP, mysql and the Apache web server.
once downloaded sucessfully, open installer, double click and keep clicking next till installation process is complete.
Step 2: Download and install composer. composer is a php dependency manager.Be sure to install for all users.
Step 3: Download and Install gitbash.
Step 4: Download and install the Visual Studio code text editor.
After everything is downloaded and installed,
Step 5: launch gitbash and navigate to the htdocs folder in Xampp
cd xampp/htdocs
Step 6: download a new laravel app via composer using this command:
composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist testapp
Enter project directory
cd testapp
step 7: launch Xampp and turn on mysql, and Apache .
Step 8: On your opened gitbash in the xampp/htdocs/testapp directory, run the following command :
php artisan serve
Step 8: launch browser and type in